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“Ingredient of the Week”

October 19, 2023

(Link to Hawaiian Chicken Skewers)

A few years ago, as I was building my personal chef business, I was working my way up towards becoming the lead culinary instructor for the Hudson Table Kids Cooking Program in Hoboken.  I remember one common challenge I faced was “how can I get kids to eat the same thing as their parents for dinner?”  My young picky eaters at Hudson Table made quite the fuss when I mentioned the menu, I couldn’t keep up with all the raised hands and asking “but I don’t like this”, “but I don’t like that”, “what if we only want this” …. you can see the frustration.  As I continued to grow my personal chef business, I was noticing the main client demographic was: 2 busy working parents with one to two young toddlers, and little to no patience to stress over what to eat after a long workday, let alone cater to the picky pallets of their hungry children.  My clients would struggle with wanting to order elevated menu items, like my Miso Salmon Quinoa Bowl, but then having to break out the pots and pans to cook something separate for their kids just so that they will eat; even if it was boxed mac and cheese.


So, I decided to experiment with my Hudson Table kids’ classes-creating new, fun recipes, introducing new ingredients, and incorporating vegetables…. by bribing them of course!  Each class we would have “An Ingredient of the Week”, and if the kids tried it, they would get a prize.  I remember one class; we were making Hawaiian chicken skewers with pineapple and red peppers (I often find putting food on a stick is super fun and more appealing).  When I asked: “who’s ever tried a red bell pepper before?”  0/15 actually raised their hands.  So, before they all starting their claim or reason for their dislike, I made my proposition “aka: bribe”, and 15/15 agreed to take terrifying plunge and try this new scary ingredient.  Even though 1 or 2 immediately spit it out into their hands, the majority of them exclaimed their surprised enjoyment, wanting more.  I happily replied: “See! How will you know if you’ll like something unless you try it.”  Some of the kids even enthusiastically ran to tell their parents at pick up: “I tried a pepper today and I liked it!”  


This inspired me to create my new Home Cooked Meals Kids Menu: “Picky Eaters Approved”, boxed mac and cheese & dino nuggets free.